my favorite musical theater songs: “adelaide’s lament”
by Douglas Messerli
Frank Loesser, Guys and Dolls / 1950
Performer: Vivien Blaine in the 1955
Frank Loesser, Guys and Dolls / 1950
Performer: Faith Prince in the 1992
Broadway revival
Frank Loesser’s Guys and Dolls,
one of the best of the American musical stage, is filled with brilliant songs
and lyrics; but this one, in particular, is his very wittiest, with unexpected
twists of medical jargon and its attendant rhymes:
You can spray her wherever you
The streptococci lurk
You can give her a shot
For whatever she's got
But it just won't work
If she's tired of getting the
From the hotel clerk
A person
Can develop a cold
Part of the humor, of course, is
based on the fact that this uneducated chorus girl is reading a medical text,
replete with footnotes, and, in the process, diagnosing her own problems.
Rhymes such as “lurk” / “work” / “clerk,” moreover, can only be comprehended
through the aural lens of the New York-Brooklyn accent made up by author Damon
Loesser might have given us just one of two of these clever stanzas, but
“Adelaide’s Lament,” like so many of his Guys
and Dolls songs tells an entire story, spinning out in a series of nearly
12 narrative stanzas. Just when you think there could be no funnier line than
the one about where “the streptococci lurk,”
he jerks you into a new world where
Miss Adelaide discovers:
You can feed her all day
With the Vitamin A
And the Bromo Fizz
But the medicine never
Gets anywhere near
Where the trouble is
If she's getting a kind
Of name for herself
And the name ain't "his"
A person
Can develop a cough
Here the “Fizz” / “is” / “his” says
it all. It’s not her problem that she’s got an endless cough, but Nathan’s
constant ‘putting off” the marriage.
The great comic actress Vivien Blaine sang it on stage and in the movie
both, creating such a memorable performance that it might never have been
matched—that is until Faith Prince sang it in the 1992 Broadway revival. If
Blaine’s version is more believable, making her entirely sympathetic, Prince’s
husky, more comedic mugging makes you love her just because she can get away
with it without turning Miss Adelaide into a cardboard figure.
Indeed, this song is so central to the story that it explains not only
Nathan’s and Adelaide’s dilemmas but spills over into the primary lovers’ lives
as well, paralleling gambler Sky Masterson’s romance with the
Save-the-Soul-Mission preacher, Sergeant Sarah Brown. It’s hard to imagine that
in Loesser’s original version, there was no Adelaide. He added the role just to
accommodate Blaine’s talents.
Los Angeles, August 8, 2017
from USTheater,
Opera, and Performance (August 2017).