my favorite musical theater songs: “ol man river”
by Douglas
Composers: Jerome Kern
and Oscar Hammerstein II
Performer: Jules
Bledscoe, 1927 (original Broadway performer)
Composers: Jerome Kern
and Oscar Hammerstein II
Performer: Paul Robeson,
1928 (with Paul Whiteman and his orchestra)
Composers: Jerome Kern
and Oscar Hammerstein II
Performer: Paul Robeson,
1936 (film version)
Composers: Jerome Kern
and Oscar Hammerstein II
Performer: William
Warfield, 1951 (film version)
Composers: Jerome Kern
and Oscar Hammerstein II
Performer: Frank
Sinatra, 1946
In what many
see as the first great American musical—certainly one of the first “serious”
Broadway musicals—Florenz Ziegfeld moved away from revue and light
entertainments, producing Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein’s remarkably rich
score of Show Boat at his Ziegfeld theater in 1927. Purportedly, Ziegfeld did not like
one of the work’s major songs, “Ol’Man River;” given some of the kitsch
productions (I’ve included Frank Sinatra’s version here just as an example of
such), one might comprehend his doubts.
Yet, in Jules Bledscoe’s performance, who
sang Joe in the original production, we can hear his well-enunciated anger at
the white community who treats him so abysmally while working on the river that
“just keeps rollin’ along.” His version may not vocally be the best, but it’s
certainly of the best expressed and is a true denunciation of the slavery all
around him.
Paul Robeson’s 1936 film rendition is
perhaps the best known, with small changes to the original text (“darkies”
instead of “niggers,” etc.). His version, particularly in his 1928 recording is
much faster than Bledscoe’s, and, at times, he oddly seems more interested in
the river itself than the bigotry of which the song so severely condemns. It
is, of course, a work of comparison, describing the puny meanness of the human
race against the endless flowing of the mighty Mississippi, the only peaceful
aspect in Joe’s troubled life.
Dat's de ol' man dat I'd
like to be
What does he care if de
world's got troubles
What does he care if de
land ain't free
Ol' man river, dat ol'
man river
He mus' know sumpin',
but don't say nuthin'
He jes' keeps rollin'
He keeps on rollin'
Human beings are another
You an' me, we sweat an'
Body all achin' an'
wracked wid pain,
Tote dat barge! Lif' dat
Git a little drunk an'
you lands in jail
Ah gits weary an' sick
of tryin'
Ah'm tired of livin' an'
skeered of dyin'
But ol' man river
He jes' keeps rolling'
Warfield’s singing in the 1951 film version is a darker, bass setting of the
same song.
Hammerstein reveals himself in this early work as a far deeper lyricist
than his later musicals—although in every work he has one or two songs with greater
political context (think, for example of “Poor Judd Is Dead” in Oklahoma!, South
Pacific’s “You Have to Be Carefully Taught” or the spectacular narrative
retelling of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in The King and I).
But it remains difficult, even now, to accommodate the idea of the same
lyricist who writes “Git a little drunk an’ you lands in jail,” or “Ah’m tired
of livin’ an’ skeered of dyin,’with the fabulous metaphor of “the corn is as
high as an elephant’s eye.” And when one also realizes just how important
Hammerstein was in Stephen Sondheim’s career, it gets even a bit stranger.
Hammerstein seems far more at home in the “Make Believe” reality, than in the
gritty world of slavery and miscegenation; but there he is, way back in 1927,
long before he had anything to do with Richard Rodgers, working with the highly
romantic composer Jerome Kern.
Los Angeles, September
19, 2017
Reprinted from USTheater,
Opera, and Performance (September 2017).
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